
First: Be a Voter

It starts with you! Register. Find Your Poll. Research the Issues & Candidates. Verify If You Need an ID. Vote!

Second: Take Action

Faculty wield significant influence across the university and are at the core of creating a civic culture at Harvard. Faculty are leaders in the university, and also constituents. That is why it is important they are voting in every election and help inspire student, staff and fellow faculty to vote. No effort is too small. Along with our dedicated faculty and teaching staff toolkit on the organizer resources page, find ideas below on how you can motivate voters on your campus and how to get involved with the Harvard Votes Challenge:


  1. Join your school’s Harvard Votes Challenge team and contribute towards building a strategy to promote voting on your campus in the short and long term.
  2. Promote civic action in your classroom and through other faculty led activities. Use class time for students to register to vote, hold conversations around voting, and link voter resources on course websites and syllabi. Consider cancelling class or avoiding tests and major assignments due on an election day.
  3. Encourage the institutionalization of voter readiness on your campus. Advocate for campus leadership to feature voter registration during orientations and onboarding processes. Make voter registration links visible on websites and use official communication channels to inform the campus of important registration deadlines and election dates.
  4. Create visibility around voting. Faculty are trusted messengers on campus and can help elevate the importance of voting with their campus community. Consider authoring written pieces for the HVC website, school newsletters and magazines, taking part in promotional videos, and sharing information via social media channels